Management Info Systems |
Records and Management Information Systems (MIS) are the
organizational "memory" of law enforcement agencies.
Intelligence, Operations, Projects, are all based on the
ability to store and retrieve relevant information. Today,
there are a myriad of software companies that can provide
custom designed and "off-the-shelf" products
for records and MIS applications. However, prior to purchasing
such "solutions", departments need to determine
"what" is to be captured, and how the information
or data is to be retrieved. NPSLC has amongst it cadre
of advisors and staff, former directors of records keeping
operations responsible for the development of the current
NCIC and CPIC systems. These knowledgeable experts can
help guide agencies and departments through the myriad
of issues that need to be addressed prior to embarking
on the search for a records or MIS solution. |